Topic started: Sat, 6 Feb 2010 01:52
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Sat, 6 Feb 2010 01:52
well i got it but it was a choice out of the 3 you said. darksiders, i read a couple of reviews and comments on the game and some people just put me off it. bayonetta i was unsure about.
the remark about it being a rip off of GoW: is that really a bad thing?
GoW was a brillant game so having another game like it is bad? ive played it for about 4 hours so far (been busy with uni stuff) and i do like, i do agree the constant quick button gets rather old realy quickly and a couple of other nit picking issues but otehrwise a good game. reading this i might try to pick up darksiders now (as the price has plummeted in some places) and save bayonetta for when i have the cash.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sat, 6 Feb 2010 09:02
I think Mark was pretty fair on the GoW comparisons.

Having spent the last couple of days having crafty bashes on Dante when Mark put the joypad down to write his review, I must say that I like it, but I prefer Bayonetta. Darksiders, I couldn't get any enthusiasm for... But I might go back and give it a try... because as the review states,I can;t get enough of the hacking and slashing".

I'll have to finish Assassins Creed 2 and Dante's first though.

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