After 3DS, Wii U Will Now Get "Intensive" Release Schedule

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Topic started: Fri, 3 May 2013 02:07
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Fri, 3 May 2013 02:07
Man, they say now that the Wii U is going to have this big line-up but they part they don't realize is that most of the biggest and most anticipated games are for the 3DS! Here's an idea, port even one of those games over to Wii U and I am more than positive Wii U sales will increase just because of how GREAT they can make it on the Wii U! It's been all about the 3DS recently and honestly, it makes no sense! The 3DS isn't better in any way really...portability and '3D' are all it's got going for it and those aren't especially useful. I mean the 3D was cool but let's be honest here, it's not going to 'really' change your game...this has been realism going to be mistaken for pessimism by yours truly.

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