EA's Peter Moore Responds to 'Worst Company in America' Poll

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Topic started: Mon, 8 Apr 2013 14:52
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Mon, 8 Apr 2013 14:52
"Good on you, Peter."

Is this a joke? He's using that issue as a wedge to absolve themselves of all other guilt (and as far as YOU know, since Moore didn't name any names, it's one random far right blog, which is utterly meaningless), and you tell him "good on you, Peter"? Good job, his PR-crafted bullshit worked, and he used the LGBT community to do it! Atta boy, Pete! You f**king cocksucker.

Pro-tip: check your blinkered f**king politics at the door and actually THINK for a change.
Mon, 8 Apr 2013 22:02
It seems rather obvious that the issue is not being used to absolve the company of anything. There is nothing wrong with mentioning something that the company stands behind (LGBT rights /acknowledgment) after mentioning several errors that the company has had. In the grand scheme of things you inability to play simcity for a week pales in comparison to actual human rights. I don't think acknowledging LGBT is using it. I'm glad the company is supporting human rights. Taking time to inform people of that support is a good thing. BTW- Listing pro-tips and telling people to actually think seems to scream internet troll. You could have easily had a more constructive argument. The one random far right blog that you say is meaningless could be, but you are telling us to trust you over them. They are somewhat accountable because they are a public company. Why would I believe you over them? @ Ergo
Thu, 11 Apr 2013 11:58
Consunerist magazine also released a response stating that none of its votes we're directed to its websites from far right blogs, but rather were generally all from video gaming websites and forums (EA's consumers). Also they stated that while people made mention of the declining quality of the Madden franchise, not one came with a complaint of the cover athlete.

PS: there is something wrong with diverting blame through something that likely did not effect the poll.

While undoubtedly there are companies doing more harm to people than Electrpnic Arts who "didn't let you play sim city for a week", that is by no means an excuse to blow off this consumer input. Worse yet-- to paint a stereotypical picture of it's consumers as griping hate mongers. The point is that, as a company, EA has been ruining successful small franchises after purchasing them out, has been "nickle and diming" it's customer base for things that should have been included at outset, and blatantly denying something that seems obviously true (Always Online is due to DRM)without giving an alternative reason for its existence. Then they go so far as to dismiss most of these complaints through attacking their consumer base. This is why they find themselves the most vocally disliked company in america winners for two years running. I find it appalling that you would support such a response.

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