If we don't buy his products he will everntually stop making them (i.e. X-Box). But you may be saying, Vault 13 what if we steal his products? No!!! The Gates knows all. He'll know we're still using them and create exclusive content he knows we can't resist buying. We must ban all his products or forever wallow in his tyranny. This supposed integration is his 239th step on the path to world domination. Be prepared.
He said that these sort of things would never happen with the Xbox...not the Xbox2...or XBL for that matter.
Either way you look at it, the point is that people lie all the time. Look at US President Bush...hell, he's the biggest douche I've ever had the displeasure of viewing on television, and he's the biggest liar to boot.
Stop picking on MS just because you all have some petty grudge because mac couldn't cut it, or that monopolies are unhealthy, or whatever the hell your excuse is.
I didn't hear any major news reporter run stories about the shotty parts that Sony used for the PS2...y'know, the ones that make it break after 13 months.
Get over yourselves, SPong...there's a reason that most people don't take anything you people say seriously.
If we don't buy his products he will everntually stop making them (i.e. X-Box)
oh please... do you really think the PS3 is goign to be nothing but a nice little box that plugs into a tv and plays games... there are more expansion slots and ports on a ps2 than every other game console ever made! Maybe you have heard of a little something called the PSX...
(the controllers plug in the back?!)
... its just sad how easily people adopted the playstation over the saturn or n64 but now that M$ is in the running videgames are in trouble... i hold every PS1 owner personaly responsible for the death all of things good in video games and no amount of gates bashing will change that! YOU BITCHES KILLED MY DREAMCAST!!! _________
If we don't buy his products he will everntually stop making them (i.e. X-Box)
oh please... do you really think the PS3 is goign to be nothing but a nice little box that plugs into a tv and plays games... there are more expansion slots and ports on a ps2 than every other game console ever made!
For one, do you really think N64 and Saturn, combined even, had better games than Playstation? First party titles excluded. No one wants to buy a system where the only good games are being put out by the manufacturer and there's not even that many being put out. Sony obviously had the wider game selection overall.
As for the connectivity, the PS3 may have even more than the Xenon and the Revolution combined, put I bet I wont be forced to use Microblow software or hardware to interact with it. The PS2 allows for many connections that aren't from Microsoft OR Sony. Now I'm also not here to defend PS2 or Sony or any other product. The point is the restrictive vice their putting on everything we own. I want a choice. I wanna choose. I really don't think having the option to download MP3s, watch shareware movies, or manage my pictures is something I want my X-Box 2 to do. Like I said before, there's no need to have my PC connected to my game console so Microblow can monitor EVERYTHING I do. If there's a viable (gaming) reason or something really cool that hooking other devices up can do, then awesome, but if there not going to give a reason as to how this will advance the gaming experience, keep it out of my system.
P.S. I never saw a good reason for the IEEE 1394 port on my PS2, so it sucks. The port idea that is. See I'm not a brand whore. Never was, never will be.
P.S.S. And your PS2 shotty hardware argument is junk. I used to work in a game retail store and I saw just as many PS2s and X-Boxes come in defective. Gamecube seemed to be the only solid system.
... its just sad how easily people adopted the playstation over the saturn or n64 but now that M$ is in the running videgames are in trouble... i hold every PS1 owner personaly responsible for the death all of things good in video games and no amount of gates bashing will change that! YOU BITCHES KILLED MY DREAMCAST!!! _________
Dam right, stop complaining about how Microsoft want to buy the market, its exactly what Sony did! I want SEGA consoles back but seeing as the ps killed them off Ill have an xbox thank you very much! Outrun2, Halo 1 n 2, gotham2 not exactly bad games are they??????????????? Stop irritating me sony fans im fed up of having to put up with you, YOU KILLED MY DREAMCAST TOO
If you don't want people complaining about the X-Box, then don't complain about the PS2. Your doing the same thing. You bash it all the time and say X-Box is the best thing since two-ply toilet paper.
For one, do you really think N64 and Saturn, combined even, had better games than Playstation? First party titles excluded
man you just dont have any view for the wide world... take the blinders off and see the big picture... saturn was comparable hardware to ps2 and had much better first party games than the ps2 did... and before the saturn came out sega had fantastic 3rd party support (there where very few games exclusive to the genisis or Snes) so the only reason that the saturn failed as far as i can tell was the advertising dollars sony had. as for the N64 it survied on its pricce and kid freindly astetic... which has now become a liability for the game cube.
Sony stole the industry and you baught it up happily. some of us had the forsight to avoid there crap from the beging and i feel like buying an xbox is my way of helping to level the playing field... and not buying a ps2 does the same thing... sony does just fine on its crappy EA liek tendencies that they don't need any help from the hard core gamers. _________
If you don't want people complaining about the X-Box, then don't complain about the PS2. Your doing the same thing. You bash it all the time and say X-Box is the best thing since two-ply toilet paper.
DUDE! did you even read the article that this thread is attached to?
Impressive stuff, huh? Microsoft, from the very top of the company, is now openly talking about doing all of the things it promised never to do. And seemingly, no one has noticed…
the only reason this thread exists iss because someone was bashing M$ and Xbox... think before you type, it woudl make all our lives alot better.
SPONG, could you please post a link to this purported statement that Microsoft will never bring these features to the NEXT GENERATION XBox console. I am really starting be be annoyed by your obvious fanboyism and lack of any kind of objectivity when reporting on Microsoft products.
Oh dear, it's getting a little bigoted here. For what it's worth here's my opinion on the home-console competition.
Not so long ago it was just Nintendo and Sega, and they had a reasonably balanced share of the market. Then Sony joined in, and they hit Sega and Nintendo hard. The sophistication and aggression was at a level the old school was simply not prepared for.
Sega held on for a while, but their marketing wasn't at Sony's level, and even with quality 1st-party software, they couldn't compete. Not having a fat pile of cash on which to sit (unlike Ninty, who have massive reserves of capital due to the complete dominance in their NES days, and the Gameboy) they have no option but to drop out (boo). Ninty soldier on, but, in reality, the Playstation brand is way out in front, and seemingly unassailable.
Ok, so what would happen if M$ never ventured into the home-console market? Well, since crystal balls with the power to tell the future/alternative pasts are hard to get hold of, we can only guess. My personal stab-in-the-dark (oo-er) is that Ninty, without a major corporate overhaul, would persevere with a gamecube, and a revolution... and maybe one more. That's it. We would then have a VHS video-game system (i.e. a common standard, not literally VHS media, imagine the loading times!).
Now, I'm not an M$ fan. But their participation was almost inevitable. They are pretty much the only company with the cash and industry know-how who could compete with the PS juggernaut. I'd prefer another mega-corp, but does one exist that could offer a serious challenge? Their 1st attempt hasn't levelled the playing field, but their wealth means they can have several bashes at it.
I suppose the question is: Would you all be happy with Sony being the sole home-console manufacturer? Since the GBA carried the GC, surely, unless the Revo pulls it's weight, Ninty's home market looks doomed (dearly hope I'm wrong).
Another question is: Will M$ ever crack Japan? Surely this territory is vital for dominance? But I can't see the Japanese (being proud folk) choosing a Yank over a native machine. In which PS will most likely be the strongest brand for the foreseeable future. My fear is that we will have an East/West divide, with the US dominated by XB, and Japan by Sony.
SPONG, could you please post a link to this purported statement that Microsoft will never bring these features to the NEXT GENERATION XBox console.
They said the Xbox was about games, and nothing but games. No-one with a brain believed them, but they said this to overcome concerns about them exploiting an existing monopoly to extend their reach from the study into the lounge.
To worry about whether they were talking about Xbox V1 or Xbox V2 is to miss the point almost completely.
I am really starting be be annoyed by your obvious fanboyism and lack of any kind of objectivity when reporting on Microsoft products.
Our lack of objectivity is a result of our social conscience, not fanboyism. If you knew us, you'd realise that we passed being boys some time ago. This isn't a game to us... it's a lifestyle, a vocation and a career.
A hint at some of the features to be included in the next gen Xbox Live service?