PS3 Continues To ‘Pwn’ Wii In Japan

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Topic started: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 10:48
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Fri, 23 Nov 2007 10:48
LOL they are hardly pwning the Wii, I mean they are only 3k up per week, but still millions to go before they reach Wiis level of success.

but they are practically giving the console away, a PS3 in japan is only £200!! they must be loosing loads of money on the hardware......oh no wait they have stupid europeans to charge £400 for one with inferior hardware and make up the difference.

Sony, pissin on europeans since the PS2, lives on !!
Joined 19 Sep 2003
Fri, 23 Nov 2007 11:01
Give it a year, at most, and overall PS3 sales will be higher than overall Wii sales in Japan. I'll put money on this.
Fri, 23 Nov 2007 11:21
"Give it a year, at most, and overall PS3 sales will be higher than overall Wii sales in Japan. I'll put money on this."

Ain't gonna happen, the PS3 has had 3 price cuts in Japan now (including the pre-release one) and the Wii, well hasn't had one. i wonder what will happen soon...
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Fri, 23 Nov 2007 11:52
James wrote:
oh no wait they have stupid europeans to charge £400 for one with inferior hardware and make up the difference.

The PS3 is £300 in the United Kingdom. "Europeans" don't use '£'s.

It's always the anonymous posters who reveal themselves to be idiots, isn't it? Actually, no, registered posters do it too... but noticeably less...

Jimmy D
Fri, 23 Nov 2007 12:40
It's been reported else where this week that the ps3 jap sales were aroung 55,000
Joined 19 Sep 2003
Fri, 23 Nov 2007 12:42
Latest Media Create figures say just over 39,000 - see (scroll to the bottom of the page). I'll believe them.
Fri, 23 Nov 2007 13:37
Its probably true that Sony will eventually close the gap and take over Nintendo, though I doubt this will happen in the handheld department. However it would be interesting to see what effect a price cut of the wii will do, it is already an affordable system, sometime in 2008 they will have to cut the price if sony continue to close the gap.
You have to remember that Nintendo must be laughing to the bank, they have made a profit on all their hardware, I doubt this is the case for Sony.
As long as they both produce games that I like then I dont care who is first or second, I will invest in both systems, though I have to say Nintendo is the more appealing at the moment. So hats off to them.
Joined 6 Apr 2004
Fri, 23 Nov 2007 18:51
Also bare in mind that the wii is probably still selling out, and the ps3 has a lot of back stock cluttering the shelves.

If nintendo could manage to stock more i'm sure the story would be different.

That said, i fully expect the ps3 to "win" overall.
Fri, 23 Nov 2007 20:53
actually the price is £250 for the 40GB and about £350 for the new 80GB
Joined 18 Oct 2004
Sat, 24 Nov 2007 00:19
PS3 3000 ahead of Wii = PWN
DS 11000 ahead of PSP = nearly catch up

ok... let's hope this is some dry british humor the rest of the western world doesn't get.
Sat, 24 Nov 2007 01:26
ozfunghi wrote:
PS3 3000 ahead of Wii = PWN
DS 11000 ahead of PSP = nearly catch up

ok... let's hope this is some dry british humor the rest of the western world doesn't get.

so selling more than the other isn't "pwning" (how your supose to pronounce that i have no idea (took me a while to fiqure out what the f**k it meant aswel first time i heard it)) but beating some one online is? I fail to see a difference in context, must a american thing that the rest of the world doesn't get.

yes i know 11,000 sounds like a big number (takes hours to count to it) but in "sales figures" it's like the size of an ant, or do thing's work differently in america?
Sat, 24 Nov 2007 05:44
daz wrote:
ozfunghi wrote:
PS3 3000 ahead of Wii = PWN
DS 11000 ahead of PSP = nearly catch up

ok... let's hope this is some dry british humor the rest of the western world doesn't get.

so selling more than the other isn't "pwning" (how your supose to pronounce that i have no idea (took me a while to fiqure out what the f**k it meant aswel first time i heard it)) but beating some one online is? I fail to see a difference in context, must a american thing that the rest of the world doesn't get.

yes i know 11,000 sounds like a big number (takes hours to count to it) but in "sales figures" it's like the size of an ant, or do thing's work differently in america?

So wait, you're saying that the DS selling 11,000 more units than the PSP is really the PSP catching up, and the PS3 selling 3000 more than the Wii is owning it. That's some spin for ya!!
Sat, 24 Nov 2007 10:30
pwning would suggest that the ps3 is in the lead by miles.

And the ps3 isnt in the lead by that much and they are going for dead cheap in Japan because sony are desperate. When they cost like £400+ in the UK sony was loosing around £90 on each system sold so you can only imagine the amount of money their loosing on their systems in Japan that are going for like half the price of the ones in the UK.

Joined 18 Oct 2004
Sat, 24 Nov 2007 20:51
daz wrote:
ozfunghi wrote:
PS3 3000 ahead of Wii = PWN
DS 11000 ahead of PSP = nearly catch up

ok... let's hope this is some dry british humor the rest of the western world doesn't get.

so selling more than the other isn't "pwning" (how your supose to pronounce that i have no idea (took me a while to fiqure out what the f**k it meant aswel first time i heard it)) but beating some one online is? I fail to see a difference in context, must a american thing that the rest of the world doesn't get.

yes i know 11,000 sounds like a big number (takes hours to count to it) but in "sales figures" it's like the size of an ant, or do thing's work differently in america?


first of all, i know it's hard to believe, especially for Brittish, US and French people, but there are other people in the world as well. So not everybody posting in English on an internet forum is automatically either Brittish or N. American.

Further, i think i just had a brainspasm after reading your post. You're actually arguing with what i said? So if PS3 sold a mere 3000 units more than Wii (AFTER TRAILING TENS OF THOUSANDS OF UNITS EVERY WEEK FOR OVER A YEAR!!!) it is kicking the Wii's ass? But when the DS is selling 11.000 units more than PSP, the PSP is "nearly catching up"??? Wow. I sense some serious fanboyism here.

As for spong, again, i hope this was some sort of joke. Because if it wasn't, it surely doesn't qualify for professional journalism.
Sun, 25 Nov 2007 05:12
pwn? oops. for a second i thought i was on xbox live...
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