Six Year Old Gets GameCube as First Prize!?

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Topic started: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 15:32
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Tricia Fox
Wed, 2 Jul 2008 19:25
Hello - picked up your flabber and gasts on the forum. For the record, I handle the PR and Marketing for St John's Shopping Centre in Perth (and yes, that's Scotland). Couple of things to clear up that you have got wrong: Jamie Nie is, in fact, a woman (the one in the picture with the little boy) and the prize was purchased by me, and was not the product of a collection of cash from the shopping centre retailers.

Sorry if my choice of prize selection has offended any hard core gamers but several small children were consulted in the purchasing decision and it was, I might add, their console of choice.

And for those in doubt, I can assure you that Jamie (the young one) was VERY excited about his prize when he recieved it.

But glad to see something harmless has generated such debate ;o)

Thu, 3 Jul 2008 05:21
We'd gathered it was Perth in Scotland when we saw how cheap the prize was. ;0)
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 3 Jul 2008 07:15
Tricia Fox wrote:
Sorry if my choice of prize selection has offended any hard core gamers but several small children were consulted in the purchasing decision and it was, I might add, their console of choice.

I don't think you've offended anyone. You have surprised one or two though!

The debate here is caused not so much by the fact that the prize is so cheap, which has stirred up some allusions to the reputation you Scots (and us Yorkshiremen) have for thrift, but more by the fact that the console you chose is discontinued, and has been for some time.

The fact that kids actually chose this prize flabbers our gasts even more. Kids are usually so on the ball about what's hot and what's cool, and we don't know any kids who would choose a GameCube over a Wii.

And for those in doubt, I can assure you that Jamie (the young one) was VERY excited about his prize when he recieved it.

Young Jamie may be very excited now, but we fear that his excitement may diminishing rapidly as he discovers that none of the newly released games he sees on TV, or on the shelves of the stores in your shopping centre, will work on his new toy.

We are also a little surprised that you could even find a GameCube for sale anymore.

But glad to see something harmless has generated such debate ;o)

And thanks for joining that debate.
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