am i the only one that dosent have the attention span to read posts over 15lines long?
from what i did read,joji u make some very good points,i especially like the one about the age of the cool nerd.a contadiction in terms maybe but still true.
without sounding "up myself" "big headed" etc,i would consider myself "cool"(what do i mean by cool,nice clothes,funny friends,play rugby for a great belfast team,aware of modern culture and being able to make my own decision on things etc) but i would also consider myself a NERD(what do i mean by NERD,i know my way around MAC OS and XP,spend a hell of a lot of time on computers e.g my DS is rite beside me now turned on AND THE BIGGIE i absolutely love DRAGON BALL Z)
so,i really dont know what points i have raised here but,these are my thots.
Why stop production of the first iteration when there may be people who are just waiting for the price to come down before buying?
Have they stopped production? Is this a fact?
Why make coloured versions limited editions, meaning the rabid collectors will snap them up instead of "normal folk" who prefer the colour or design?
Why not launch with multiple coloured versions like they did with the GameCube?
LOL, you're talking about personal choice here, what does it matter to you which edition people choose to buy?
Why launch the new version just after a major selling period, wringing every last sale from the original hardware before the launch fever of the new?
Why not? It makes sense to deplete stocks, free up manufacturing, or prehaps they just hadn't finished the new design.
By releasing the DS-Lite, Nintendo keep the price of the hardware high, at a point in the life cycle where a price drop could be expected. They have reached a point where production costs will be falling, R&D should be covered and it's usual to drop the price to bring in less well off customers. They haven't done this, they've launched a product aimed at more well off customers, at a higher price and stopped production of the older model, relegating the poorer gamer to the second hand market which they are also trying to kill off.
This argument is absurd. Nintendo have already reduced the price in the UK, and the new model is priced at thesame price as the old one. If they didn't release a new model, what evidence do you have that they would lower the price of the original?
It's even more likely now that the price of the original will decrease, opening up the console to new consumers.
Added to that, the DS is hardly expensive at the moment. I'd say it's accessible to a very wide range of people. Remember, the DS is under £90 when after six years the SP is still £70.
It's not been announced, but it would explain the shortages of DSs in Japan around Christmas.
Adam M wrote:
LOL, you're talking about personal choice here, what does it matter to you which edition people choose to buy?
No, I'm talking about knowing you will sell a certain amount each time no matter what colour they are due to collectors and drip feeding the choices every few months to maximise that effect. Of course I don't care which colour anybody else buys.
All I'm saying is that if releasing new colours was all about consumer choice, they would be released together, not drip fed and labelled as limited editions.
Adam M wrote:
This argument is absurd. Nintendo have already reduced the price in the UK, and the new model is priced at thesame price as the old one. If they didn't release a new model, what evidence do you have that they would lower the price of the original?
We are talking about Japan where the DS is still selling for the launch price of 15,000 yen and the Lite will be selling for 16,800. Admittedly, that's only an increase of just over £8, but it's about time for a price reduction in Japan, like you say the price has dropped in the UK.
Adam M wrote:
It's even more likely now that the price of the original will decrease, opening up the console to new consumers.
Always assuming they can find an old one, there are still stock shortages if I remember correctly.
It's obvious that this is not as big an issue for most people here as it is for me, so I'll just leave it alone and let you all get on with whatever you were doing before I started.
Why do we accept this from Nintendo when we wouldn't accept it from Sony or Microsoft?
I would accept this happily from Sony, I do not accept anything Microsoft does ;-)
If Nintendo are offering us a choice, why don't they make it a choice?
That question does you no credit. You alluded to the colour choices that Nintendo like to release, accusing them of being exploitational. I responded to that point, and then said (and I quote myself), "But this speaks only to the colour variations Nintendo offers, and Sony is beginning to." before going on to talk about the DS Lite and its non obsolescing upgrade path.
By releasing the DS-Lite, Nintendo keep the price of the hardware high, at a point in the life cycle where a price drop could be expected.
The price is not high. Never has been. And a price drop could not realistically be expected. Price drops accompany demand drops. When there was no demand drop for DS, there was no need for a price drop.
You may as well have finished with a school yard "I'm not going to prolong this childish discussion any further". You had made your point, you didn't need to end on that type of note.
It was an earnest comment. My argument is that no-one who feels uncomforatble about Nintendo's marketing strategy is forced to buy a DS Lite. My personal position is that no-one who is unhappy with any organisation should give them patronage.
without sounding "up myself" "big headed" etc,i would consider myself "cool"(what do i mean by cool,nice clothes,funny friends,play rugby for a great belfast team,aware of modern culture and being able to make my own decision on things etc) but i would also consider myself a NERD(what do i mean by NERD,i know my way around MAC OS
I was totally with you, then you blew it. No-one who has ever played rugby is cool. And knowing your way around MacOS/XP is in no way a Nerd qualification - linux or BSD, yes... my first OS, no!
Before you go getting upset, I was variously second-row and prop. And I have two Macs at homer and one on my desk at work.
But you're not cool, but then, anyone who is bothered about whether or not they are cool is uncool. It's a strange, sad, vicious paradox. And you're not a nerd. Learn to deal.
But you're not cool, but then, anyone who is bothered about whether or not they are cool is uncool. It's a strange, sad, vicious paradox. And you're not a nerd. Learn to deal.
im not cool at all... and im cool with that... which makes me totaly cool! ;)
also dragon ball is far from nerd territory my frined... if you watch utena... you would be a flaming geek... if you watched densha otaku and it made you laught histericly... then you woudl be a big freaking dork... but DBZ (not even DB..tsk tsk) is to your age group what robotech/voltron was to the likes of DOC dee's age range (if im remebering your aprox age correctly doc).
also, sadly video games do not garner the nerd cred they once did... now that there are over 100million ps2 in the world its safe to say that its no longer a subcultrue activity.
ps... did i mention my pda is a carpc? hmm? hmmm? god i want to be nerd cool!! oh i know....
thats me and a friend at the ghibli museum in tokyo... me being the handsome devil on the left (rhcp shirt)... sadly there is no photogaphy inside or else you could of had some bangup shot of me inside the kitten bus ;)
oh and for purposes of beign on topic... nintendo gets to do limited editions and multiple colors cause they are nintendo... if sony/ms did it i feel they woudl be judged more harshly... but its kind of a boy who cried wolf sort of thing... ms and sony have repeatedly done shady s**t to get more of your moeny... like memory sticks/atrac3 and needing windows MCE to stream vid to my 360... however nintendo has done nothign but deliver (for the most part) quality products at reasonable prices. as such people dont mind shelling out for the ocasional colectors edition because it keeps nintendo, a generaly well respected company in buisness, where as MS made nearly 12billion dollars last quarter... and doesnt really need to be squeeking every damn dime out of their customers and sony inspite of makeing more money than they thougt still intend to fire 10,000 people in the next few years.
as such i buy nearly everythign nintendo makes without fail... cause if they ever go under its gonna be a sad sad day... oh and because its good! ____
but DBZ (not even DB..tsk tsk) is to your age group what robotech/voltron was to the likes of DOC dee's age range (if im remebering your aprox age correctly doc).
You are, I'm afraid, laughably off mark.
In my day, we used to sit around poking Mr Logie-Baird with sticks (blunt sticks, mind you, the stick-sharpener had not yet been invented) imploring him to invent the televisual device before Mr Edison did so.
There were also some questions about the fate of the current DS model. In Japan, Nintendo will continue to produce and sell the original model. The price of the original model will remain at its current 15,000 yen, 1,800 yen less than the 16,800 yen new model.
So the old model will still be sold alongside the new model, no forcing people to pay out more for something that's not overly different. I would predict you would see the older version slowly phased out as sales drop, much like the original GBA was once the GBA SP came out.
The DS Lite will be initially released to Japan in three colors, Nintendo reveals. In addition to the white color shown in the first pictures of the system, the company will release two yet unannounced colors.
So the concerns of limited edition versions will be somewhat alleviated, from the off, as you should be able to choose a model colour which suits your tastes. Hopefully this will be the same in USA/EU.
EDIT: Oh yeah, I'll probably be getting one of these, may even consider importing a Jap one. I've already heard rumours that the buttons are improved (the current ones are a little short on travel and too clicky, for my tastes); I defniitely like the improved positions of the Mic, power/charging lights and various buttons; I could also make use of the improved and stepped lighting options, there's times I could do with brighter lights and when it's in the dark I would prefer a slightly dimmer level of illumination.
well dbz's prime was in the mid to late 90's... i would say 96-99 specifically... at which point my dboy... who is 18 no was only 9-12 or so... as voltron/robot tech was very early 80's... if you where similarly 9-12 at the time of its release... you would be 36ish now... which i do believe is a bit low.... of course me being a haggard nearth death 25 dbz was in its prime when i was 18ish... similarly... if you had been 18ish when volt/robo was out... you would be more like 43... is that more like it?
at anyrate... way to much tiem spent thinking about it now.
DOCTOR DEE,if i am not cool nor a nerd,what am i? please piegion hole me.does that sound sexual?
and as for ur comments on rugby players,i play for an inner belfast team so it has a complete mix of steeks/chavs and people higher up the socio economic scale.therefore by the law of probability,some of us have to be cool.
I just have to say..., after three grueling days of random reading through this post, I am finally at the last post. And I have to say to all of you, no offense, this is by far the stupidest s**t to argue about EVER! I'd rather argue over the fact that the green ranger is far superior to the black ranger till three in the morning anyday. Making a redesign for whatever reason, there is nothing wrong or immoral or advantage taking situation or whatever with it. If the product was flawed, now the redesign can fix it. If people are complaing with said product, the company can listen and respond with a redesign. Car companies do it every year. TV and audio companies do it, sometimes twice a year and with multiple models. Hell, even hair gel companies come out with new formulas and updated packaging. Is it any different from what Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft are doing? I'll let you bickering twits decide.
There are much more important things we should be arguing over and I say we get to it!
from what i did read,joji u make some very good points,i especially like the one about the age of the cool nerd.a contadiction in terms maybe but still true.
without sounding "up myself" "big headed" etc,i would consider myself "cool"(what do i mean by cool,nice clothes,funny friends,play rugby for a great belfast team,aware of modern culture and being able to make my own decision on things etc) but i would also consider myself a NERD(what do i mean by NERD,i know my way around MAC OS and XP,spend a hell of a lot of time on computers e.g my DS is rite beside me now turned on AND THE BIGGIE i absolutely love DRAGON BALL Z)
so,i really dont know what points i have raised here but,these are my thots.