Jungle hunt is one of the most random early games for the coleco vision. With its controlls being nothing more than run and jump and in 1 occasion swim. You can see the gameplay becoming relativly boring. But in this game every stage is different; thats 4 stages of difference that beats the previous number of 1. You play as a jungle hunter working his way through the jungle to reach his damsel in distress that has been kidnapped by a evil witch; who's attempting to cook her in her coldron of terror.
The first stage includes nothing more than swinging through vines; although with timing being an important matter and lives being little this can become a tricky exercise, Stage 2 is the swimming stage. Swim across crocodile strawn waters to reach a ledge. If you stay under-water for to long your air meter plumits and you have to swim back up for air. If the crocodiles touch you' you loose 1 life instantly but there is a way to defend yourself. By pressing the action button imediatly before attack; you punch the croc in the face and avoid the attack.
In stage 3 your running up a hill at breakneck speeds dodging small boulders that are falling from the peak; this becomes more tricky once the boulders start to grow and have random movement patterns. But once the top is reached you enter level 4; this is were you save your damsil. You simply jump over 2 guarding ememies jump over the coldron and catch her just in time before she plummets to her doom.