Critical Mass - C64

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Critical Mass (C64)
Also for: Spectrum 48K, Amstrad CPC, Apple II
Viewed: 2.5D Isometric, Scrolling Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Media: Cassette Arcade origin:No
Publishers: Durell Software (GB/US)
Released: 1986 (GB)
Unknown (US)


Critical Mass - C64 Screen


An outlying system of the Terra Federation has set up an advanced anti-matter conversion plant on a centrally positioned asteroid to supply the local colonists with energy. A surprise attack by alien forces has successfully overcome the asteroid’s defences and the aliens are now threatening to self-destruct the power plant unless the colonists offer unconditional surrender. He self-destruction process would effectively turn the power plant into a massive black hole that would wipe out the entire planetary system along with a number of nearby stars. Unconditional surrender offers an equally horrific prospect. Your mission is to infiltrate the enemy position and disable the anti-matter plant before the aliens achieve CRITICAL MASS.


Lead Programmer