River Rescue - C64

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River Rescue (C64)
Also for: Vic-20, Spectrum 48K, Atari 400/800/XL/XE
Viewed: 2D Top-down, Vertical scrolling Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Media: Cassette Arcade origin:No
Released: Unknown (GB)


River Rescue - C64 Screen


A team of important scientists have become trapped in a dangerous jungle. As of the owner of a powerful riverboat, you intend to collect the reward offered for their rescue.

This is no quiet sail up a lazy river. Your enemies, who are equipped with helicopters, will try to drop mines in your path.

You will have to blow up floating logs and menacing crocodiles with the aid of your bow-mounted cannon.

You will have to steer at high speed between the riverbanks and islands.

Your chances of success are virtually nil... or are they?