Bounced - Game Boy Color

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Viewed: 2D Side-on, Scrolling Genre:
Arcade origin:No
Developer: Karma Studios
Publishers: Midas (GB)
Released: 29 Jun 2001 (GB)
Ratings: 3+


Software houses, large or small, are always looking to put a new slant on existing genres, but innovation is scarce in the 30-year-old industry. Karma Studios, a bright and upcoming developer of Game Boy Color software, has attempted to incorporate an original idea into the classic platform genre. It’s an interesting concept, but does it work?

On one random day, an evil force field makes an appearance that threatens to reverse the planet’s energy system. Dito (you) is the people’s only hope. You must beat the effects of the force field by bouncing on top of your friends and taking their kinetic energy. This energy then allows you to bounce to the exit of each level. Okay, the plot is a bit weak, but the gameplay concepts are intriguing.

The game takes place in a typical 2D-scrolling environment that covers several different locations, giving a little variety to the game’s 32 levels. Most of your time will be spent attempting to reach higher platforms. After playing this game for several hours, whatever is left of your fried little brain will be spent telling you to scream at the Game Boy. Yes, Bounced can be extremely infuriating at times, but fortunately, the good points outweigh the bad. It’s a good game that’s worth playing, and that’s the bottom line.