Gast - PC

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Gast (PC)
Viewed: 2.5D Third-person, floating camera Genre:
Media: CD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Idol FX Soft. Co.: Idol FX
Publishers: Mindscape (GB)
Released: 20 Sept 2002 (GB)
Ratings: 3+
No Accessories: No Accessories


Gast is a ghost. He's the ghost with the most and he likes eating toast whilst climbing up a lamppost. Actually, no, that's not true at all. Except the bit about being a ghost. He is, however, lost in a haunted amusement park that lies somewhere between the real world and the world of fairytales. Honest!

As the story goes, an evil clown has stopped the magical clock that brings laughter and joy to the amusement park. He has twisted it into a dark shadow of its former self where his henchmen scare the life out of everybody that comes to visit. Taking control of the protagonist Gast, it's the player's job to restart the clock and drive the nightmare away.

The main method of going about and achieving this goal is the process of collecting stars. Solving certain puzzles throughout the game rewards the player with stars, as does providing the henchmen with certain things that they may require. When players have collected enough stars they will be ready to confront the clown.

The implementation of cinematic effects and surreal perspectives lend a convincingly spooky feel to the detailed, pre-rendered scenery. Coupled with the eerie incidental music and sound effects, this makes for a haunting and atmospheric experience yet, as the game is aimed at the younger player, does not step into gore-fest territory.