Colin McRae Rally 2.0 and No Fear Downhill Mountain Biking - PlayStation

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Colin McRae Rally 2.0 and No Fear Downhill Mountain Biking (PlayStation)
Viewed: 3D Combination Genre:
Racing: Rally
Sport: Cycling
Arcade origin:No
Developer: UDS Soft. Co.: Codemasters
Publishers: Codemasters (GB)
Released: 22 Nov 2002 (GB)
Ratings: 3+
Accessories: Analogue JoyPad, Memory Card
Features: Vibration Compatible


Added to the ever-increasing list of genres in late 1999, the mountain biking sim could have, should have been awful. How could MTB possibly be replicated? Thing is, nobody considered those clever types at Codemasters. If any company could make a go of it, Codies could. And they did. And here it is, together with one of the best rally sequels ever.

In No Fear, here are single race or tournament options, and some interesting choices of location to race. You are pitted against one other rider at a time in this game, which is a bit unusual, but makes for a safer passage down the slopes. Stunts can be pulled with inventive use of your digits (blister warning!), but won't add to your final score - it's just a distraction from focusing on getting to the foot of the hill faster than your opponent. If you must bash the buttons instead of getting out there and doing it for real, there's no finer place to start.

Colin McRae Rally 2.0 arrived in Summer 2000 in a hail of flying gravel and genuflection from driving gamers, and rightly so.. Codemasters bettered the original Colin with features such as an arcade mode and a multi-player challenge mode. The visuals were much improved for version 2, but the gameplay, with added depth this time around, was essentially the same. Anyone who's been within sniffing distance of one of Codemasters' rally masterpieces will tell you, for an ageing console, this is as good as it gets.