Beautiful Katamari - Xbox 360

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Also for: PS3
Viewed: 3D Third person, into the screen Genre:
Puzzle: Dexterity
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Namco Bandai Soft. Co.: Namco Bandai
Publishers: Namco Bandai (JP/US/GB)
Released: 2007 (JP)
29 Feb 2008 (GB)
15 Oct 2007 (US)
Ratings: PEGI 3+
Accessories: Hard Disk Drive
Connectivity: Live Online Enabled


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What could be better than the original Katamari Damacy? Here's what could be better - bigger stages, online play and the same visual style as the original, but in eye-poppingly splendid high definition. This, dear readers, is what Namco Bandai is promising us with the just-announced Beautiful Katamari Damacy.

And what a promise...

Once again players will take on the role of the Prince, whose dad, the King of All Cosmos, has had an undignified accident that you'll need to sort out by rolling the world up into a ball. Sound a bit barmy? Well, it is. Think of it as a bizarre fusion of puzzle solving, J-pop and kooky animation.

The online vs. mode will set players against each other in a 'Thingy Battle', in which players, under the instruction of the King of All Cosmos, must prove their skills by picking up only one kind of object for their spherical katamari. Furthermore, Namco Bandai has created a global ranking system to show off the number of presents and cousins collected in the single player game, while scores from vs mode will be shown off to see who has the biggest balls...