Steel Fury: Kharkov 1942 - PC

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Steel Fury: Kharkov 1942 (PC)
Viewed: 3D Third-person, floating camera Genre:
Simulation: Tank
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Graviteam Soft. Co.: Graviteam
Publishers: Lighthouse (GB)
Released: 5 Dec 2008 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 16+


Unpromising game title ahoy! But come back, let us tell you what Kharkov is and what Steel Fury is all about. It's a World War II tank combat game with some explosive action on offer. Kharkov is where this game takes place (it's a Ukranian city) and Steel Fury is a hyper-macho description of the tanked-up encounters within the game. Grrr!

The events in the game are based on a little-known Russian offensive that went on for 16 days in May 1942, in which a German counter-attack surrounded three Soviet armies and forced them to fight their way out of the Barvenkovskiy Kotel, a battle that is now referred to as the 'Meat Grinder'. Delightful!

With a more authentic feel than most games in this genre, Steel Fury's realism is partly down to the fact that much research was made of photographic sources and other archive material. There are 30 missions to play though, and three 'playable' tanks in which you can assume all positions (commander, gunner, loader, driver and hull gunner). All this and the editing facility to customise missions makes for a thoroughly enjoyable and long-lasting tank combat experience.