Guitar Hero Van Halen - PS3

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Guitar Hero Van Halen (PS3)
Also for: Wii, Xbox 360
Viewed: 3D First-person Genre:
Rhythm: Timing
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Underground Development Soft. Co.: Red Octane
Publishers: Activision (GB)
Released: 19 Feb 2010 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 12+
Accessories: Guitar, Microphone, Drums
Connectivity: Network Features, Network Players


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There's no denying the power Guitar Hero has over people. Pick up that plastic axe and all of a sudden nothing else matters except you and the music. And the band, of course. Until you have a bust-up over groupies and 'artistic differences' of course.

Van Halen is the latest band to star in a special edition of the make-believe rocking game, and it makes sense given that their hair metal in the 1980s was something to both admire and fear. Eddie, Alex and Wolfgang Van Halen join David Lee Roth to digitally rock (and be rocked – by you) with over 25 of the band's greatest hits. Yes, 'Jump' is on there.

If you've ever played a Guitar Hero game, you'll know what to expect – grab some friends, form a band and go on a world tour to earn sponsorships and gigs at bigger and badder venues. Although this is a Van Halen title, there are other appearances from other musicians including Lenny Kravitz, Weezer, Queen and Blink-182 to compliment the roster of songs from the headlining band.

When you're not on tour, you can check out facts about Van Halen, as well as play against others online. You can do this via the quick and easy Quickplay mode, or try the Face-Off, Pro Face-Off, Battle and even the eight-player “Battle of the Bands” mode. Just like in other Guitar Hero games too, you can create and share your own tracks in the Music Studio.