Sid Meier's Pirates! - Wii

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Sid Meier's Pirates! (Wii)
Also for: PC, PSP, Xbox
Viewed: 3D Combination Genre:
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: 2K China Soft. Co.: Firaxis
Publishers: 2K Games (GB)
Released: 8 Oct 2010 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 12+
Accessories: Nunchuck


It was only a matter of time before Sid Meier's classic Pirates! would see a high-profile release on the Nintendo Wii. This development by 2K China is an updated version of the 2004 remake from Firaxis Games – which in itself is a 3D re-imagining of the Commodore 64 original.

The main quest and goal remains the same as always though – commandeer your own pirate ship and become the most respected captain of the seven seas! You do this by gaining notoriety in raiding and plundering the 17th Century Caribbean, winning in colossal ship battles and besting rival pirates in swordplay.

A vast game world is yours to explore, as you sail out for adventure. Stock up on food and resources to keep your crew happy, and dock in ports to relax, marry suitable wenches and partake in a little bit of dancing. You can manage your crew in dock as well, and recruiting new members is essential to running an efficient ship.

Collect treasure maps, take part in various missions and wreak havoc on the local townspeople before moving on to the next port of call. Along the way you'll get to play some mini-games to enhance your adventure – from the sword-fighting and ship combat modes from the original classic, to two Wii-exclusive games in Bombardment and Lock Picking. Exclusive characters and special ship modifications are available in this new edition too.