Crysis 3 - Xbox 360

Also known as: Crysis 3: Hunter Edition

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Also for: PC, PS3
Viewed: 3D First-person Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Crytek Soft. Co.: Crytek
Publishers: Electronic Arts (GB/GB/GB)
Released: 22 Feb 2013 (GB)
Unknown (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 16+
Accessories: Headset, Stereoscopic 3D
Connectivity: Live Online Enabled


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Following in its predecessors' footsteps, Crysis 3 continues to flaunt a decidedly dark techno-centric presentation, and Prophet is still inside a nanosuit kicking the arse of invading alien race the Seth. The setting here, however, is somewhat reminiscent of Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome - the world consists of huge protective domes that shield key capital cities from total destruction.

Crysis 3 takes place in New York City, which is encased in one such dome - built by the Cell corporation for ‘the greater good.’ What’s happened though, is that the Seth have managed to break through it and continue their assault on the human race. Guess it’s too late to ask about an insurance policy at this point. No, instead it’s Prophet and his techno-babbling super suit to save the day, with British operative Psycho tagging along via audio to give you some guidance on the mission.

One new gameplay trait that’s apparent in Crysis 3 is the heavier emphasis on stealth play. Prophet has a brand new composite bow and arrow weapon, which can be used to take down bad guys with one hit. The potentially game-breaking thing is, this deadly weapon can be used whilst cloaked. To compensate for this, CryTek is implementing a range of environmental and enemy traps that will seek to de-cloak you if you’re careless (and of course, the energy bar still depletes with its activation).

The idea is that Prophet has become a little bit tired of being hunted by alien scum for the last two games, and has turned the tables to become the hunter instead. Thanks to his absorbed Seth DNA, the protagonist can now use alien technology too. And some of the equipment can be meaty. A plasma cannon that can send shockwaves along the floor, cutting enemies up; a heavy mortar that looks like a giant alien claw that can decimate surroundings; a tasty sniper rifle that can lop an enemy’s head clean off. All with appropriate kill cams for exotic finishers.

The nanosuit’s still the most powerful weapon in the game, thanks to its melee capabilities and terminal hacking applications. The idea here is that you can take as much time as you want tackling stages in Crysis 3 - the nanosuit can better scan the surrounding area and allow you to make judgements based on enemy positions and movements.

Expect environments that are more open than those found in the urban surroundings of Crysis 2, with a mix of jungles and cities, along with winding paths for different objectives.

In a nutshell, it's Crysis on your terms.