Sorcery! - iPad

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Sorcery! (iPad)
Also for: iPhone
Viewed: 2.5D Combination Genre:
Arcade origin:No
Developer: inkle Soft. Co.: inkle
Publishers: inkle (GB)
Released: 4 May 2013 (GB)


Make the epic journey across the wilds of Kakhabad, overcome vicious traps, face off against weird creatures using our unique turn-based sword-fighting system, or overcome them with an arsenal of fifty magic spells. The app uses inklewriter technology to tell your journey in real-time, shaping the story around your choices.

With original illustrations by John Blanche, new character art by Eddie Sharam, and an interactive map by Mike Schley. From the studio behind the award-winning Frankenstein app, as featured by Apple, Sorcery! is an interactive adventure like never before.

News & Editorial

Sorcery! Interview

29 Mar 2013