Arizona Sunshine - PS4

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Arizona Sunshine (PS4)
Requires: PlayStation VR
Viewed: 3D First-person Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Media: Blu-Ray Arcade origin:No
Developer: Vertigo Games Soft. Co.: Vertigo Games
Publishers: SCEI (GB)
Released: 21 Mar 2018 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 18+
Accessories: PlayStation Move (recommended), PS VR Aim Controller (recommended)
Features: PlayStation 4 Pro Enhanced
Connectivity: Network play


Wandering around the Arizona desert isn't for the faint of heart at the best of times. Attempting to do it when the heat-blasted environment is infested with zombies hungry for brains is downright insanity. Fortunately, as you step into the heat in Arizona Sunshine, a touch of insanity is exactly what you're equipped with. Suffice to say, letting your loneliness drive you to attempt to befriend each zombie horde you encounter is not a great survival strategy. Thankfully, this first-person virtual reality shoot-'em-up provides you with some other options. Well, one other option and numerous ways to execute on it. Namely, pick up one of 25 weapons and execute on zombies.

Within that familiar premise, however, you're offered choices that will deeply affect how you play. Choose to use Move controllers, for example, you'll be able to dual wield and play a fast-paced game of run and gun. If you choose to use the PlayStation 4's Aim peripheral, however, you'll be armed with two-handed weapons and accuracy becomes the order of the day, making for a very different experience. Similarly, you can opt for the oft-favoured 'teleport' style of movement, whereby you choose an area to move to and rematerialise there. You might choose more traditional analogue stick based movemnt and really explore the environment, however - a choice that many VR developers have shied away from.

You can also choose whether to play in single-player mode, team up with another survivor in co-op mode or play with up to three other players in a horde mode that will see you swimming in zombies and blood. What you'll probably choose, though, is to pop some zombie skulls in all three modes.