Title | Released | Genre | Platforms |
Stainless Steel
-1986 | Combat Game: Driving |
Spectrum 48K Amstrad CPC |
Strike Force SAS
-1987 | Spectrum 48K |
Pat the Postman
Spectrum 48K |
Battle of the Planets
Combat Game: Space |
Spectrum 48K Amstrad CPC |
Game, The
Spectrum 48K |
Return to Earth
Oric |
Shadow of the Unicorn
Spectrum 48K |
Everyone's a Wally
-1985 | Platform Adventure: Graphic Puzzle |
C64 Cassette Spectrum 48K Amstrad CPC |
Everyone's a Wally / Meet The Gang
Amstrad CPC |
Laser Warp
Spectrum 48K |
Spectrum 48K |