Frightened people of Britain: come 29th October all criminal suspects will be at home playing videogames; you may walk the streets again. But once millions of copies are in the public domain, batten down the hatches, the world’s about to see a freshly reinvigorated breed of gang-wise social misfits unleashed into its urbanised veins.

I've got a brand new combined harvester...
Quite simply, anyone who enjoys videogames will appreciate GTA San Andreas on some level, no matter how hard they might try not to. There’s very little else that will compare to this in terms of scale, entertainment and the combined value that those two things bring. You’ll know vaguely what to expect, but San Andreas will blow the socks off anyone who cares. We could go on for days previewing all the minute details this game will offer, but with only a couple of weeks to go, there’s simply not enough time.
It’s massive, it’s fantastic, and we’ll be reviewing it as soon as is humanly possible.