Disney's Dinosaur - PS2

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Also for: PC, GameCube, PlayStation, Game Boy Color, Dreamcast
Viewed: 2D Top-down, Multi-way scrolling Genre:
Adventure: Role Playing
Media: CD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Disney Soft. Co.: Ubisoft
Publishers: Ubisoft (GB/US)
Disney Interactive (GB)
Released: 29 Jul 2005 (GB)
15 Dec 2000 (GB)
Unknown (US)
Ratings: PEGI 3+, 3+
Accessories: Memory Card


Disney’s Dinosaur is a familiar tale in the style of ‘stranger in a strange land’ stories, released on PS2 in the UK in time to remind the cinema-going stragglers that the film of the game will soon be available for home viewing. Astute marketing or what?

If you are already familiar with the feature film from which this game is a spin-off, then the chances are that you won’t find the game too taxing, as it’s not much more than an adventure-platformer. The three main characters can be controlled individually and collectively at the press of a button: it’s not solely about the young dinosaur, as there are a couple of his friends along for the adventure. Flia the pteranodon and Zini the monkey are never far away, until the journey becomes more perilous and the friends get split up.

In order to get the most from the game-play, you have to try to get the threesome to work together and use their individual skills for a common goal. Anyone who works in a team knows there are some characters with both strengths and weaknesses and how they should be able to compensate for each others’ failings. That’s the key to success with this game, understanding which character is best for a particular task. The good news is that the characters’ skills and abilities develop as the game progresses, depending on the quests that are accomplished and the enemies that are defeated.

Aimed at the younger end of the gaming market, Disney’s Dinosaur is a splendidly animated adventure with plenty of challenging moments, and an ideal companion piece to the movie.

News & Editorial

Disney’s Dinosaur Press Release

29 Aug 2000

Disney’s Dinosaur Press Release

14 Aug 2000